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In this category You'll find more than 100 of Contemporary Fine Art's Net resources that from our point could be of great interest for both professionals and wide circle of art lovers.

To pick 100 pages from the whole amount of thousands of related to the Contemporary Fine Art one must define the criteria of the assortment.

We solved this problem in the following way.

Let the list reflecting certain attitude to the Modern Fine Art and it's Net concept be made by experts.

We , in our tern, will be glade to accommodate such authors' lists in our category LINKS. Furthermore we'll be glad to render technical assistance to the experts drafting such lists: to provide an access to the Internet, to help in search for the necessary art resources. Interested authors are welcomed to contact us.

We also will be glad to adopt the links to the lists sited already in the Net if the authors supply us with their addresses.

At present, while making our own digest of the resources in the category of LINKS we use 3 criteria:

  • volume of the information presented, respectability of resource in any field of the Fine Arts or national respectability,
  • resource attendance,
  • willingness to adopt link to our resource "From Russia With Art"

Most of the selected by us resources among other values still possess highly respectable lists of sites introducing the Fine Arts including the modern ones.

We welcome comments, recommendations and proposals.

We are ready constantly to improve the category LINKS for the purpose of assistance for all our users to find their way in the great volumes of the Fine Arts information sited in the Web.


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